Traditional tools and approaches are no longer sufficient

Advances in technology and scale, along with new compliance mandates, create new challenges and complexity that traditional methods of gathering compliance evidence can’t keep up with. The result? Gaps in compliance, increased IT cybersecurity burdens, and fragmented, manual, compliance workflows.

Do these challenges feel familiar?

Increased Cloud Security Surface Area

Cloud has consolidated our assets. However, the growing customer preferences and ease of onboarding has created a plethora of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services

Too Many Touchpoints

On average, Security Analysts depend on at least 8 to 10 of his/her peers in DevOps, Platform Engineering, IT Admin and Security Engineering to collect data on Security Risks

Too Many Security Tools

Cisco’s 2020 CISO Benchmark Study states that a Mid-sized Enterprise uses 50-75 Security Tools. Cloud simplifies this but the problem still remains

Ineffective Sampling

How can Security Compliance keep up if you are validating on a very small sample size, and once a year? How can such low frequency and less sample size correlate to the high frequency of Security Risks?

Redundant Compliance Work

A Medium sized Enterprise manages 5 to 7 Security and IT Frameworks, on
average. And most organizations have no cross-matrix of these controls in any meaningful way. Compliance has just become some busy work

Data and Spreadsheet Overload

Lack of Mature Cloud Scale and Cloud Native Compliance Tools has caused Inundation of Data and a Total Overload of Spreadsheets

Zero Learning

Security Compliance is about Establishing Trust. How can we create Trust if we do not Continuously Measure and Learn valuable Security Compliance Signals?

Broken Workflows

The traditional tools lack the meaningful and intelligent workflows that we have come to expect from DevOps systems. We need smarter workflows

A New Way – Enterprise GRC Management, Moving at DevOps Speed.

ComplianceCow provides automation that can be easily tailored to you including chat workflows and collaboration for non-system processes; 100% control coverage for continuous controls monitoring. The evidence collected can then be shared with auditors for compliance or can be used to guide remediation efforts through rule-based actions.

Increase (IT) productivity

Let them focus on High Value work. Cut IT overhead.

Free up Management Time

Simplified IT Maturity Index based on Industry Standards.

Reduce (IT) Risk Management Cost

Upgrading/Implementing new standards is a whole lot easier.

Democratize Risk Management

Simplified workflow to deal with Controls Lifecycle.

Keep your Company Safer

Automatically executing on the intent of the control.

Continuous Risk Management

CI/CD + CR. No more silos. Integrated approach with Digitization.

Better Organizational Alignment

Teams can collaborate better, faster towards improved risk outcomes.

Increased Confidence

Simple, easy-to-access runtime information for future Risk Analytics.

Key Risk Indicators to Key Performance Indicators in 6 Simple Steps

You can visualize your Risk Control Outputs and Trends in 6 simple steps. Radically change your Controls Management and Costs.

Create Policies
  • Select Risk Controls Framework
  • Import Custom Risk Controls Framework
  • Specify Controls Execution Policies
Select Scope
  • Specify Systems in Scope
  • Provide Access Credentials Securely
  • Provide Custom Inputs
  • Execute Risk Controls On-Demand and At-Cloud-Scale
  • Integrate with ContiNube CLI/API
  • Integrate with Continuos Delivery Pipeline
  • Heatmaps
  • Box Plots
  • Timeseries Analysis
  • Simplified Workflow for Review & Approval
  • Sandbox Testing
  • Auto Remediation
  • Extract Controls Data
  • Explore and Visualize
  • Integrate with 3rd party tools and ML Studio